Day 24/30!
One week from today, we will officially be “off” of the challenge. Before we know it the week will be up, so I encourage you to take sone time this weekend and think about how you want your routine to look after the challenge comes to an end.
I strongly encourage you to continue with the habits you have developed over the past 23 days as best as you can and leave exceptions for times when you need to eat out, have an event or special occasion, etc. I also strongly encourage you to continue with movement and if you haven’t yet, highly consider adding in strength training.
This weekend and upcoming week, I encourage you to make goals or layout how you want your routine/lifestyle to look come February 1st. I also challenge you to add one extra step this week. If you currently workout/exercise 3x a week, can you try for a fourth - even if it is 10-20 minutes. If you currently don’t exercise - can you try adding in something twice this week? Even if it is a form of walking and stretching to begin while you STRONGLY consider strength training. I challenge you to add in this one extra piece of additional movement. It doesn’t need to be an hour, but just an additional something!
So proud of you all! Keep up the great work!