Day 30/30!!!
Happy Friday & OFFICIAL last day of the challenge!
We have made it to day 30 and I am so proud of each and every one of you! I hope you have learned and discovered that there ARE different ways to eat AND better ways to fuel your body that still satisfy you. At the end of the day, food is fuel and what we put into our bodies directly affects so many things that determine how we feel, act and continue to move through our day to day lives. I hope you have also gained a bit of knowledge from this challenge on how certain things work in our bodies and ultimately affect our nutrition as well.
The main thing I hope you have realized from this challenge is that you are fully capable of doing anything you put your mind to! I know how difficult and challenging doing something like this is, I’m sure there were many times when you wanted to give in or give up entirely but the fact that you stuck with it shows how strong and capable you are! You may not have been perfect, that is okay too but showing that you can stick with something for 30 days says a lot!
Now, it is time for you to continue with your health journey and focus on self-motivation and discipline! I strongly encourage trying to stick with habits you have formed and followed these past 30 days. Just because tomorrow you’re no longer “required to follow no-added sugar” doesn’t mean you have to go into a crazy mode! Let me tell you a secret - sugar will be there Sunday, & Monday and all the days moving forward if that is something you feel like you need a taste of. Don’t feel like because it is your first day off the challenge that you “HAVE” to indulge! I trust that you all have learned enough from the challenge and are happy with how you feel to make good decisions moving into February!
I will always be here if you need to talk, have questions or need further help with anything so never hesitate to reach out! I have enjoyed having every single one of you be apart of this year’s challenge. It is always such a great way to start the year and continue a new year on a fresh, healthy path!
(Still continue the rest of the day with no added sugar, we’re not finished just yet!”)
Thanks for everything Haley. We appreciate everything that you have done for us. I myself have learned so much. Keep up the great work. Thanks again!!