Day 12/30
I know I preach a lot about protein but despite its importance, it isn’t the only thing to focus on in your diet. If you were to become conscious of 2 main parts of your diet I would recommend it to be; protein & FIBER!
According to national surveys, 95% of Americans don't consume enough fiber in their diets. The recommended daily intake of fiber is 25 grams for women and 38 grams for men, but the average intake is only about 14 grams.
Fiber is important for improving digestion, weight management, heart health, & blood sugar control. Decreased fiber intake is likely from all of the ultra-processed foods we consume these days. These foods strip the fiber away from foods and take us away from natural whole grains & fruits + vegetables.
Some good sources of fiber you should focus on are;
Edamame - 11g/cup
Squash - 9g/cup
Carrots - 5g/cup
Oatmeal - 4g/cup (cooked)
Chia seeds - 10g/1 oz
Almonds - 6g/1/2 cup
Sweet potatoes - 4g/cup
Kale - 5g/cup
Apple - 4g/medium size
Raspberries - 8g/cup
Broccoli - 5g/cup
Green peas - 9g/cup
Luckily, this challenge forces you to cut out those super processed foods with no fiber, so this month you may already be eating more fiber than you usually do but I challenge you to take a look at what you’re eating and make sure you’re getting enough!
If you have any questions on fiber or anything discussed so far let me know in the comments!
Wow. There is no way I am even close to 38 grams of fibre I will definitely need to increase that. Thanks